The Riverton disc golf course is CLOSED, but there is good news!
I spoke on the phone with the Park Superintendent today and I was told that the course is planned to re-open in mid- to late-April. Until the course is open again there is no available parking and playing the course is not permitted.
While this course is in a public park, that does not mean it is always accessible. Park Staff have the right to ask anyone playing the course to leave. It’s possible that staff may not notice disc golfers, or ignore them, but to maintain the positive relationship that we have with Course Ownership please adhere to the course’s schedule.
The Town of Henrietta is working on course improvements! Flags will be installed on the baskets and a new clubhouse will be built!
Improvements to the course are supported by greens fees for playing the course, paid by disc golfers. This is not unique to disc golf for the Town of Henrietta, this model is how they support all of their recreational amenities. If you play the golf course, you pay greens fees to support the golf course. If you sign up for a gymnastics class at the town rec center, you pay fees which support the gymnastics class. Maintaining the disc golf course costs the Town money and without support from those who use the course that maintenance will be at risk. On the other hand, when every disc golfer who plays the course pays the fees we will see those funds invested in the course!